So I'm stealing an idea from a post from my friend Loni. Apparently we're
both big fans of trashy TV and were both waiting Bravo last night when a show
"10 Things that Make Me Happy" came on. I loved watching to see what
everyone would say! Loni got a brilliant idea to post 10 things that make her
happy on her
blog. So then I got the even more brilliant idea to do the
same kind of post ;) Thanks Loni!!
Of course my wonderful, handsome fiancée, and my friends and family make me
happy..they're a given!!
So here's my list of 10 Things That Make Me Happy
The Magic Bullet....sorry ladies it's not a vibrator. It's a food processor,
and a damn good one! I love this thing. I've only used it to make mixed drinks
so far, but boy can it crush some ice. I'm sure it does everything well, and
when we aren't so busy I'll play around with it some more!
9. My complete Friends series on DVD. I LOVE LOVE LOVE
Friends. I loved watching it when it was on NBC, and I still love watching it.
If there is nothing else on TV I will always watch reruns. I have seen every
episode a million times, and no matter what I always laugh.
8. My Apple items Ipad/phone. Love them. I love not having
to fire up my computer every time I want to check something on the internet,
and I love all the apps.
7. Plato's Closet. Ok before you judge let me explain this one. I am a big fan
of saving money, and getting my money's worth. I love the fact that I can take
my old clothes to the store and sell them for cash! I also shop there on occasion.
I buy my work shorts there, since I work with kids, I don't really want to wear
my good "going out" clothes. So 8 bucks on a pair of shorts is a great
deal..especially if they get a little paint on them!
6. Alright, this one may be a little embarrassing for anyone
to admit, but I have dark hair, and I'm we Sopko ladies are
plagued with dark hair...everywhere. I just found this new product for removing
facial hair (upper lip) that works FANTASTIC, and doesn't irritate my skin at
all. I've searched high and low for something that won't give me little red
bumps. OLAY Facial hair removal duo is the bomb! This stuff works wonders, it
makes me so happy that I finally found something that feels so good. It's a
little pricy but it's totally worth it!

5. Summer Time: I can't tell you how much I HATE winter, and
being cold. Yes I know we're living in the wrong state. I do love the first few
weeks of fall, with the crisp air, and changing colors, but I am a summer girl.
I was born in the summer, and I live for hot hot hot summer days. I love being
barefoot outside, I love getting tan, I love the dresses I can wear. My whole
closet is stocked for summer, I have a really hard time dressing in the winter.
I'm in such a good mood in the summer I LOVE IT!!
4. My kitties. I was never a cat person until I met Aaron. I
still don't think I'm a cat person, I just like my cats. They are so funny, so
cute, and full of cuddles. It makes me so happy to have them both curl up in
bed with me, although they are HUGE bed hogs. As I'm typing this my baby kitty
has the cute!
3. My engagement ring,
and my wedding band. Of course every girl can't wait to get hers. I love mine
so much. Every time I look at it I get so excited to think of the meaning
behind it. To know that Aaron picked it out, and hid it from me for a month
trying to think of the perfect way to ask me.
2. My house. We have so much going on right now. It's hard
to appreciate everything when we're doing so much, but sometimes when I turn
onto our street (Summertime ct)...see I'm a summer girl through and through. I
pull into our driveway and get so happy to see OUR house. When I walk in and
see all we have done to make it our own, I just love it!

1. Reading/my books/ my Nook: I am an avid reader. I love
getting lost in books, I generally read 5 or 6 books a week. Sadly the past
couple of months it hasn't been quite as many since we have been so busy. I
can't shut my mind off unless I read before bed. Even if I'm dead tired I'll
read a couple of pages. I have so many different authors that I love, and so
many different series that I have enough to keep me reading for years. The best
thing ever is my Nook. I love it, and it makes me so happy that I can take
hundreds of books with me wherever I go. I recently got the new glow light
nook...LOVE IT. It's nice that Aaron can go to bed, shut the lights off, and I
can stay up and read without bothering him!
Ok, so there's my list of 10 things that make me happy there
are so many more things, but I don't have time.
<3 Karissa