Sunday, February 26, 2012

House Hunters

YIKES!  To add to the stress of planning a wedding (which to be honest hasn't been that stressful) Aaron decides now is the perfect time to buy a house.  We've talked about buying a house, and for a while we both agreed that we didn't want to put down roots in Michigan, so we would continue to rent and look into moving after the wedding.  Now that the wedding is getting closer and the talk of babies comes up more often the idea of having an infant in another state where we don't know anyone is scary.

So we made the executive decision to torture ourselves and plan a wedding and house hunt all at the same time!  Sometimes we are so smart!  All weekend we've been glued to our computers looking for houses.  We can both agree on style, and we don't need something that is brand spankin new (we want to do some projects)  but we also don't want to move into a gross run down shack.  The problem we're going to have is, Aaron knows all of the neighborhoods since he grew up here and also worked for Two Men and a Truck..he has seen the good, bad, and the ugly.  When I find a house I like he will shoot it down as soon as he hears the street name..I have a feeling this is going to take a really long time.

It's an exciting process, thinking about all of the different things that we're going to be able to do to a house, and getting away from our super annoying neighbors!

Besides being attached our computers this weekend, we didn't do much.  A little shopping, I got an Iphone finally.  I have hated all of my Android phones and I have never heard anyone complain about their Iphone, so I broke down and got one..I hope it was a good choice!  I promised Aaron I would also thin out my wardrobe a's a little extreme.  So today I cooked breakfast, went to the store, did laundry, and organized the closet.  I got rid of 50 tops..I was so proud of myself...Aaron was happy, but I think he wishes I would have gotten rid of more..the closet is still stuffed!

I feel like I have been cheating on the wedding, by not paying much attention to it.  The big stuff is done, we're on to the little stuff at this point, so it's getting done slowly.  I have an appointment to make our invitations in two weeks!  That should be really fun!  I had a horrible dream last night that we sent out our invitations on a Monday, and our wedding was that Thursday so no one had time to RSVP and we spend the 3 days before the wedding calling people asking what they wanted to eat so we could give our numbers to our banquet hall!  I don't know why I'm having all these bad dreams but it's starting to stress me out!

Hopefully we get to start looking at houses this week!  I don't want to be moving 2 weeks before the wedding!!!

<3 Karissa

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Back in the Swing of Things

It's been a couple of weeks, because we have been doing absolutely nothing these past couple of weeks.  Life has been pretty boring!  Last weekend we went to Battle Creek so I could have a dress fitting....yikes.  It pretty much fits perfect which stresses me out.  I can't gain an ounce. 

We spent most of last weekend driving around Grand Rapids looking for tattoo shops that weren't going to charge us an arm,leg and lung for such luck.  We both want to get each others lip prints tattooed onto each other.  These are fairly small (no bigger than a fifty cent piece) and everywhere is charging about 100 no thanks.  I'll wait and go to New Addiction where they won't kill me on the price. 

Valentine's  day was quite the surprise for me!  We weren't planning on doing anything since there's a wedding coming up.  I got into my car on my lunch and there was a flower arrangement sitting in my seat!  I was so surprised.  I have never gotten anything like that for V-day.  When I got home there was a present wrapped on the counter for me too.  I got a DVD and a bridal memory book that I had been wanting!  I was so excited!  Aaron also took me out to dinner.  All in all even though it is a ridiculous holiday it was still a lot of fun.

During the week I got our flower quote (which I have been dreading) and lucky for us it's just under $400.00!!!  I was so excited.  I'm not a fan of a whole bunch of fresh flowers everywhere.  The smell is too overwhelming so I went with just the basics.  Bridal bouquets, bouts, and a couple other things.  We don't have much use for flowers anywhere else either!  I was so excited I was thinking another grand at least!  Wooo hooo! On the down side we got our catering contract back with the estimate for food and everything...holy 6 grand, and that's not even the bar.  I'm trying oh so hard not to go crazy with this wedding.  Spending a zillion dollars on one day is not work it.

Saturday we went to Aaron's moms house.  They redid the basement into a big game room with a pool table and shuffel board table and sports bar.  We were also there for his mom's birthday.  We had a lot of fun drinking playing games and hanging with the family.  We also got some really exciting news.  Aaron's mom and long time boyfriend are engaged!!  We're pretty excited for them!

Wedding dilemmas  We're trying to think of cool groomsmen gifts without buying the typical things i.e. flask shot glass.  We're looking for unique things..suggestions?

Bachelorette party...I'm really not into the whole party idea.  I have 2 bridesmaids that aren't even close to being 21, I don't want to leave them out of the activities, but I'm not really sure what to do.  The whole idea of wearing some sort of sash and cheap veil and doing some random scavenger hunt at bars does not sound fun to me at all.  Plus I'm not a huge drinker.  I like to have a drink here and there, but I'm not into the shoving shots down my throat.

Ohhh so many things to think about.  We're down to finalizing everything...oh what fun!!

<3 Karissa

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday Funday

What a FANTASTIC weekend.  We didn't have a single plan this weekend so we lounged and did whatever we wanted.  We started our Friday by finishing a game we started a while ago.  I found this Bride and Groom challenge game at Barnes and Noble and thought it would be fun.  We got it a couple weekends ago and started the game.  Friday night we answered questions about each other and tallied up the score...guess who rocks!?  ME  I totally won!  I will give Aaron credit, he was only a couple of points behind me.  Part of the game was to come up with contracts for what the winner my prize was, shopping!  I got a nice new robe and a new book!  I also get a "romantic" night out soon.  Hopefully that involves the carriage ride downtown I have been dying to take!!  Here's the link to the game in case anyone is interested.  I think it would be fun for married couples too!

Saturday we got up with no plans at all.  We did a little wedding shopping.  Can you believe that Aaron has never been to Hobby Lobby?  We had so much fun at the store.  We actually found stuff for our Sand Ceremony!  I didn't want to buy a kit, they all look the same, and they aren't special at all.  We found a decanter at Macy's that is so unique I'm so excited to use it!!

 We have rented 3 movies in the past 2 weekends and they have all SUCKED.  Bridesmaids (totally over rated)  Straw Dogs (Just plain boring and long)  Hangover 2 (I'm sorry what was all the hype about?)  we are 0 -3 right now.  I would love suggestions for some GOOD movies!

Last thing on my mind that's really been bugging me.  I have been reading a book about this couple that is getting divorced, there is so much on TV right now about couples splitting up and all that I'm freaking out.  I could never imagine being left, or the feeling of having someone tell you it's over.  It makes me sick to my stomach.  I realize that marriage is a choice and you have to work at a relationship to keep it new fun and exciting, but I'm also not stupid enough to think that marriage is forever...divorce is all around me.  I'm not saying that I'm expecting something bad to happen, but I've always been the type of person to dwell on the what ifs.  It just terrifies me that one day 10 years from now I could be sitting on the couch thinking I have a happy marriage and Aaron could walk in the house and say he fell out of love with me, and wants it to be over.  I have a very wise friend that has just recently been married that always tells me that everything we do is a choice, and you have to choose to make things work.  I don't know why this is bugging me so much, but I guess it's just one of those fears that I have.  Maybe it's completely normal to have these feelings, I'm just so happy right now, I don't ever want this feeling to end.

Any thoughts, or advice?

<3 Karissa