Sunday, February 17, 2013

Stop asking already

I am so beyond frustrated I can't even put my thoughts into coherent sentences.  If Aaron knew I was venting this he would probably kill me.  We promised we would keep everything pretty much to ourselves (with the exception of a few helpful know who you are) but I need to vent.  Trying to conceive is a bunch of crap.  I am so sick and tired of being disappointed, and upset every single month.  We've been trying for 7 months now.....and nothing.  I know that the books and research say that the average couple takes anywhere between 6 months to a year.. but COME ON... IT'S EVERYWHERE RIGHT NOW.  Everyone is getting knocked up, and it seems like no one is having any issues.  Stupid baby bumps all over the place everywhere I turn.  Every time I get on Facebook someone else is popping out a kid. 

Don't get me wrong I am 100% thrilled for all of my friends and family that are poppin out kids right now..but when is it our turn!?!?  The monthly disappointment is so overwhelming, and lord knows we're doing everything that we're supposed to be doing..Predictor kits, limiting drinking, tracking cycles blah blah blah.  I have friends that have said they just stopped keeping track then it happened for them, but I'm scared that if I stop paying attention to everything we'll miss out too. 

I used to watch Teen Mom as a sorce of entertainment, now it just pisses me off that these girls are ever allowed to be mothers in the first place.  Who's up there saying "yea this chick will make a great mom, let's have her get knocked up"   Walking through the mall yesterday I was shocked at the amount of horrible parenting I saw.  Yes, I'm judging...I would never let my child run screaming through the store knocking things over.  Say what you want "You don't know, because I don't have kids of your own"  I'll tell you one thing, if my kid ever acted the way some of the kids I saw yesterday did their but would be in the car on their way home.

I guess I'm venting because we've been starting to get the questions about kids more and more lately, especially with a little nephew on the way (which we're thrilled about)  but everyone keeps saying how he needs a little cousin.  Yes we know, we're working on it...  Why does everyone under the sun think it's appropriate to ask when we're going to procreate?  I'm not sure it's ever an appropriate question.  The other day at work a parent said "I don't know if any of you have kids.."  She was saying it in a real shitty way too.  The whole thing really upset's not like I don't have them, or don't have one on the way by choice.  It was such a rude thing to say, and really such a slap in the face.

The hardest part is I know how awesome of a dad Aaron would be.  We've been talking about different things that we would want to do, especially with it just being Valentine's day and how he would get his daughter flowers, or take her to a daddy daughter dance.

Ok venting done, needed to get it of my chest, now maybe people will stop bugging us. 

Monday, January 21, 2013

A House is not a Home

I am OBSESSED with HGTV Property Virgins, and House Hunters.  We used to have our DVR set to record it when we were house that we have a house, I still watch it, but not religiously.  We were watching an episode the other night where the wife wanted move in ready, and hubby wanted to do a little work to the house.  The husband kept making a statement about how no one wants to move into a house and not have to change anything, and it not really being your own.  Hmm....

We bought our house and up until this weekend haven't changed a thing.  We know we want to paint the butt ugly Michigan State color work out room, but we've held off because of the wedding, and holidays.  This house is painted the exact colors I would have picked out.  I don't really see the point in changing it, just because the old owners picked the colors not us.  We even have extremely similar furniture...which we had before we moved in.  We just got really lucky. 

Home improvement projects stress me out, I hate starting things and not getting them finished.  If I think about things for too long I can't make up my mind, I start second guessing everything.  So why stress when everything was already done?.  Every project that we have done to this house (mainly landscaping) we've decided to do it very spur of the moment.  Most conversations sound like this... "I don't want to put Christmas lights on these bushes, want to just rip them out?"  "Sure get the saw"    "I hate all these trees, want to cut them down?"  "Sure let me call my dad and he'll bring the chainsaw over...he'll be here in 10 minutes" 

This weekend was no different.  Aaron decided Friday we needed some new lighting in our kitchen.  It had the very 90's tack lighting..which we hated, but lived with.   Two of the lights have finally burned out, so instead of getting bulbs we decided to just get a new light.  As we were walking through Menards trying to pick kitchen lighting the ADD kicked in, suddenly Aaron wanted outside lighting as well, because what we have now is "so ugly, and old." 

We got our lights after much debate, and came home to start the project.  The outside lights seemed to go up without too many issues.  The father in law came over to help see us through our first major project.  You know it's not a true home improvement project without at least one extra unplanned trip to the store..but we got it done.  It looks great, and the three little lights really change the front of the house. 

The kitchen light wasn't so easy.  Our first mistake was attempting to do it at 10:30 at night, with the lights all off...genius I know, it's the unfinished feeling I can't stand.  We abandoned the project for a cocktail and went to bed.  We got up bright and early went back to the store to pick a different light, because we weren't in love with the one we originally bought, and spent about an hour hanging the light.  It looks good.  It doesn't match any other light, so now we have to replace them all, but one step at a time.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

There's always a system

Aaron and I have lived together for over a year.  We had a routine at the apartment, but when we bought the house things changed.  I lived with him in our apartment, and we called it "ours" but really it was his, and I just moved into it.  I never really felt like it was mine.  We bought the house together, picked out the furniture together, and decorated it together, it's OURS. 

That being said once we moved into the house we established our duties.  Aaron takes care of certain aspects of our lives, and I cook, clean, and take care of the house.  Judge me if you want, say "How 1950's of you"  but I ENJOY taking care of my husband, and that's all that matters. 

All that blabing to get to this point.  I have a system, I clean a certain way.  It's always been that way period.  I clean from top to bottom.  I dust before I vacuum, I mop the floors last, blah blah blah.  You bet your ass that if Aaron ever volunteers to help I about pee my pants with excitement.  When he does the dishes (without being asked) I think it's the sexiest thing in the universe.  So imagine my excitement when he offered to help me "de Chrismafy" our house.  He was ready to help me pack away our abundance of Christmas decorations.  He even helped me reorganize the whole packing system!  How helpful right? 

Ehhhhh...not so much.  His way was so not THE RIGHT WAY.  He didn't understand my system, and wanted to do everything all at once.  There is no point in vacuuming when there is still tinsel on top of the cupboards and it's going to leave a mess on the floor once it comes down.  Not to mention I had to dust EVERYTHING.  All he wanted to do was vacuum.  Why? I don't know.  So Aaron being the three year old he truly can be sometimes, took the vacuum and pushed it around all the boxes, even though I kept saying "don't do that, I'm going to have to redo it in 10 minutes once I've dusted"  I finally got so frustrated with him I told him if he wasn't going to do it the way I wanted it to be done, then he could go downstairs and leave me to do it all myself. 

Of course he when downstairs.

I don't know if I hurt his feelings or not, at that point I was three hours into the project and didn't really care.  Now that it's done and over with I wonder...should I just do what I do at work (with the 3 year old) bite my tongue, and redo it when he's finished or bored with the task.  Or do I kick him out and not let him help, knowing that if I do that the chances of him volunteering to help ever again are slim to none.

Oy the real problems of a newly wed.

<3 Mrs. Monzo

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A New Year for the Newly Weds

I've been beyond busy, and didn't really feel much need to post after the wedding.  I created the blog to help me remember the craziness of the past year.  I've decided I miss blogging and sharing stories.  I don't want to blog about random nothingness and my boring day to day life, however I do have some pretty interesting/funny stories about being newly weds.  I have never made resolutions before and I'm not resolving to blog a certain amount of times a week or month, but I do want to blog on a regular basis.

With that said...that's my blog for this week....haha

<3 Mrs. Monzo

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Bundle of Nerves

Thursday and Friday before the wedding are really just a blur.  I remember everything that we did and all the things we had to get done, but it feels like those two days flew by so quickly.  Thursday morning I had breakfast with my almost mother-in-law.  Of course we were saps and got all emotional in front of the whole restaurant...oh well.  She got me the coolest gifts!  I got a canvas with mine and Aaron's name on it with 4 words I used to describe our relationship.  I also got the coolest picture frame with our names all over it and our wedding date. it's an awesome site!!

Thursday my mom came in to stay with us for the weekend, we had my trial hair appointment, where my mother so boldly told me at the end that they needed to leave some hair over my ears...because they stick out.  Awesome, thanks mom.

Friday morning I woke up at about 4 a.m. because Aaron elbowed my in the eye, all I could think about was having a black eye for the wedding...I never got back to sleep.  I got out of bed at 7 feeling so sick.  Aaron wasn't much better.  I couldn't eat anything my stomach was a ball of knots.  My mom and I were meeting my cousin Chelsea for spa off we went.  I couldn't even enjoy my mani/pedi I was such a freaking mess. 

It was never really about actually getting married to Aaron, the marriage wasn't freaking me was the event.  The planner in me was out in full force, and I wanted total and complete control over everything.  Once we got to the venue and I could see everything, make things how I wanted them, and I started to feel a lot better.

The rehearsal went off without a hitch, even though we couldn't practice in our actual venue.  Our dinner was great, we had fun with or family and friends, I was feeling so much better.  The knots were completely gone!

No Kissing before the wedding!  That didn't last!

One of our center pieces

That's all for now!

<3 Karissa

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Beginning

So this is the end of the story, but it doesn't seem fitting to call it the end.  It's really the beginning of our lives as a married couple.  So much has happened in the past couple of weeks, so I'm going to break up these posts so they aren't super long.

I took the week before the wedding off, and the week after...let me tell you what a total bummer it was to go back to work this week!

The week before the wedding was when the anxiety set in.  It was never about the marriage, or being married to one person, or questioning anything in regards to Aaron was all about the actual event.  The true planner in me was out in full force.  I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off the week before.  Up until then we had felt we were doing great on our budget...that's because we only shelled out deposits up until then.  Suddenly all the final payments were due.  I swear I heard our bank account cry, and our credit card sigh a little bit.  We managed to stay within budget...but when you pay for everything all at once boy does it hurt.  Thanks dad for paying for the reception!!! 

The week before the wedding I got a call from our coordinator (this was the day of the horrible movie theater shooting) saying they were supposed to be doing a "Flash Mob" to promote the new movie..Step up revolution...(whatever it's called)  the theater wanted to be sensitive to the victims and decided to postpone the flash mob....can you guess when they wanted to do it?  Yep during my reception!

I wasn't trying to be a brat, but when I'm spending thousands and thousands of dollars for my reception I don't want a stupid flash mob interrupting our first dance (that's exactly what time they had planned it for.)  So in true bridezilla form I axed the flash bummer summer...sorry!!

The week of the wedding, I had my phone glued to my ear all day every day.  I just don't like leaving things up to other people...again it's the planner in me.  It's usually the week before the wedding where I'm telling the bride, "don't worry I'll take care of that, don't worry I'll make that call"  and suddenly I was having to worry about everything!!!

I have never been more stressed in my life..planning a wedding is THE BEST weight loss program ever.  I had absolutely no appetite at's funny because I still don't...but I shed a couple lbs and I wasn't sad about that!  To deal with the stress, we decided to start golfing....I know, help with stress??  Golf didn't help with the stress it made it worse, but we've found out I'm not all that bad!!

I have more posts scheduled but pre wedding I'm starting to I'll leave you with a few of my favorite pictures from our photo booth!

<3 Karissa

Friday, July 27, 2012


Read the ticker...enough said!!!!

For the last day...
<3 Karissa Graves ;)