Sunday, January 13, 2013

There's always a system

Aaron and I have lived together for over a year.  We had a routine at the apartment, but when we bought the house things changed.  I lived with him in our apartment, and we called it "ours" but really it was his, and I just moved into it.  I never really felt like it was mine.  We bought the house together, picked out the furniture together, and decorated it together, it's OURS. 

That being said once we moved into the house we established our duties.  Aaron takes care of certain aspects of our lives, and I cook, clean, and take care of the house.  Judge me if you want, say "How 1950's of you"  but I ENJOY taking care of my husband, and that's all that matters. 

All that blabing to get to this point.  I have a system, I clean a certain way.  It's always been that way period.  I clean from top to bottom.  I dust before I vacuum, I mop the floors last, blah blah blah.  You bet your ass that if Aaron ever volunteers to help I about pee my pants with excitement.  When he does the dishes (without being asked) I think it's the sexiest thing in the universe.  So imagine my excitement when he offered to help me "de Chrismafy" our house.  He was ready to help me pack away our abundance of Christmas decorations.  He even helped me reorganize the whole packing system!  How helpful right? 

Ehhhhh...not so much.  His way was so not THE RIGHT WAY.  He didn't understand my system, and wanted to do everything all at once.  There is no point in vacuuming when there is still tinsel on top of the cupboards and it's going to leave a mess on the floor once it comes down.  Not to mention I had to dust EVERYTHING.  All he wanted to do was vacuum.  Why? I don't know.  So Aaron being the three year old he truly can be sometimes, took the vacuum and pushed it around all the boxes, even though I kept saying "don't do that, I'm going to have to redo it in 10 minutes once I've dusted"  I finally got so frustrated with him I told him if he wasn't going to do it the way I wanted it to be done, then he could go downstairs and leave me to do it all myself. 

Of course he when downstairs.

I don't know if I hurt his feelings or not, at that point I was three hours into the project and didn't really care.  Now that it's done and over with I wonder...should I just do what I do at work (with the 3 year old) bite my tongue, and redo it when he's finished or bored with the task.  Or do I kick him out and not let him help, knowing that if I do that the chances of him volunteering to help ever again are slim to none.

Oy the real problems of a newly wed.

<3 Mrs. Monzo


  1. Hi Pen Pal! I think this is a trick by men so they wont get asked to help the next time. "Hey if I do a crappy job and annoy her she won't want my help in the future"

    Looking forward to getting to know you!

    1. Yay for Pen Pals! I put a letter in the mail earlier this week! I can't find you on facebook send me your link!

      I figured it was his way of looking like he was helping, and then getting out of doing all the hard work. When it came time to cleaning off the top of the cubbards he was MIA... whatever!!
