Monday, May 28, 2012

Take a Second and Relax!

HOLY CRAP!!  I can not begin to explain how busy we have been this month.  It is absolutely crazy what we have put ourselves through.

We moved into the house on May 12th.  We were pretty settled that weekend, minus our new furniture and some artwork.  We've slowly been getting artwork, and our furniture was delivered a week after we moved in.  It was delivered on the day of my AMAZING bridal shower.

My wonderful Aunt Terry and cousin Chelsea hosted it for me at Food Dance.  Probably one of the most amazing restaurants in Kalamazoo.  The turn out was great.  I am so lucky to have so many friends and family who love me and were there to celebrate the day with me!  Those who couldn't come were missed dearly!!  I had so much yummy food, and the decorations we awesome!

When I got home from the shower I will tell you I was soooo overwhelmed.  I had just moved in and gotten everything where I wanted it to be, and now I had all of this stuff to find places for.  The gifts sat in the living room for about 2 days while I tried to figure out where I was going to put everything!

Lucky for us (not very smart of us though) we decided to have our housewarming party this weekend.  We were forced to find homes for all of the gifts, and start hanging artwork.  Three completely packed weekends makes for a very tired Karissa.  Our party turned out AWESOME.  We had around 20 people and had some amazing food.  We'll be eating leftovers for 2 weeks, and we don't need to visit the liquor store for about a year!  We woke up Saturday morning extremely sad it was due to rain all day.  I was so upset I wanted to call off the party.  We have an awesome deck and great outdoor area, we had lawn games, and all of our patio furniture all set to go, and at 8am it was looking pretty gloomy outside.  Somehow, someone was looking over us...we didn't get a drop of rain, and the sun came out and we were able to host our party outside without a hitch!  I feel like such a grown up, our first really party!  Someone asked us if we were going to set up beer no not in my house.  We're adults, lets act like it!

It has been one CRAZY month!  I looked at the calendar today and realized...we are exactly 2 months away from the wedding.  We've sent out invitations...(Stuffing invitations blows) and we've already gotten some RSVP cards back!  I'm getting so excited, but slowly stressed, because I'm beginning to realize I need to start tying up details, and I have so much work stuff going on as well..I'm getting overwhelmed.  I don't want to wish this time away, but I'm ready for it to just be here!

Hope everyone has had a great start to summer, and enjoyed the long weekend!

<3 Karissa

Sunday, May 20, 2012


This is going to be super quick, because I have a ton of crap to do.

The past week has been absolutely NUTS.  We moved out of the apartment and into the house.  Holy overwhelming!  I have moved every year for the past 6 years, and I'm so glad to say this is the last move for a good long time!  In the process of the move I lost my camera pictures to come later, and a much more detailed info about the move.

We have so much landscaping to do.  It's actually exciting starting the research on what types of plants and flowers we're going to plant!

Yesterday was my bridal shower.  It was so nice.  We had it at Food Dance in Kalamazoo!  I loooooove that place, the company was great and I got some wonderful gifts too!  I was sooo overwhelmed when I got home with everything.  We had just gotten the house all situated and then I walk in with a boat load of stuff, and we had to find a place for everything.  We banged that all out today.  The house is back to looking pretty darn good.

We're going to spend all week getting ready for a housewarming party next Saturday.  Hoping for good weather!!

More later, with pictures, as soon as I find the cord!

<3 Karissa

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tick Tock

Boy is there a lot to discuss.  Now that we're officially homeowners...WE WOULD LIKE TO LIVE IN OUR FREAKIN HOUSE!!!!  We agreed to take possession 14 days after closing, but while at the closing our sellers assured us that we would have the keys mid week, or at the latest Sunday (today).  Wellllll we have no keys.  Apparently they went with a big name lender, and they are dragging their feet getting all of their paper work done.  They were hoping to close Friday and possibly still get us the keys today.  When I ran into our seller at work Friday evening, she said it was a no go.

I know they are frustrated.  They have done everything they can, and the bank is just being plain old dumb right now.  I can't imagine how it would feel to be homeless.  They literally have no home right now.  They had to do all sorts of extensions on their closing for their house.  How stressful!!!  As much as I feel sorry for them, when Friday morning at 8:00am comes around I will be knocking on the door for the keys to MY HOUSE!!!

As you can see we're more than ready to are the cats!!

We have pretty much everything packed that can be packed, we'll throw everything else into boxes at the last minute.  We wanted the keys early so we could spend this whole week cleaning, but it looks like we're going to be cleaning around boxes.

In wedding news things are starting to pick up.  We're in the home stretch of the wedding, and it's time to get our act together!  My shower is in 2 weeks!  I am beyond excited for that!  My invitation for my scrap book came yesterday in the mail!!  I'm so excited to see everyone!  We have all of our gifts purchased for everyone.  We worked on address labels all week long.  I'm not looking forward to stuffing invites but it has to be done.  Wedding invitations will be headed out in about 2 weeks!!!  I can't believe it!!  It's sooooo close!

That's all for now!
<3 Karissa