Sunday, February 17, 2013

Stop asking already

I am so beyond frustrated I can't even put my thoughts into coherent sentences.  If Aaron knew I was venting this he would probably kill me.  We promised we would keep everything pretty much to ourselves (with the exception of a few helpful know who you are) but I need to vent.  Trying to conceive is a bunch of crap.  I am so sick and tired of being disappointed, and upset every single month.  We've been trying for 7 months now.....and nothing.  I know that the books and research say that the average couple takes anywhere between 6 months to a year.. but COME ON... IT'S EVERYWHERE RIGHT NOW.  Everyone is getting knocked up, and it seems like no one is having any issues.  Stupid baby bumps all over the place everywhere I turn.  Every time I get on Facebook someone else is popping out a kid. 

Don't get me wrong I am 100% thrilled for all of my friends and family that are poppin out kids right now..but when is it our turn!?!?  The monthly disappointment is so overwhelming, and lord knows we're doing everything that we're supposed to be doing..Predictor kits, limiting drinking, tracking cycles blah blah blah.  I have friends that have said they just stopped keeping track then it happened for them, but I'm scared that if I stop paying attention to everything we'll miss out too. 

I used to watch Teen Mom as a sorce of entertainment, now it just pisses me off that these girls are ever allowed to be mothers in the first place.  Who's up there saying "yea this chick will make a great mom, let's have her get knocked up"   Walking through the mall yesterday I was shocked at the amount of horrible parenting I saw.  Yes, I'm judging...I would never let my child run screaming through the store knocking things over.  Say what you want "You don't know, because I don't have kids of your own"  I'll tell you one thing, if my kid ever acted the way some of the kids I saw yesterday did their but would be in the car on their way home.

I guess I'm venting because we've been starting to get the questions about kids more and more lately, especially with a little nephew on the way (which we're thrilled about)  but everyone keeps saying how he needs a little cousin.  Yes we know, we're working on it...  Why does everyone under the sun think it's appropriate to ask when we're going to procreate?  I'm not sure it's ever an appropriate question.  The other day at work a parent said "I don't know if any of you have kids.."  She was saying it in a real shitty way too.  The whole thing really upset's not like I don't have them, or don't have one on the way by choice.  It was such a rude thing to say, and really such a slap in the face.

The hardest part is I know how awesome of a dad Aaron would be.  We've been talking about different things that we would want to do, especially with it just being Valentine's day and how he would get his daughter flowers, or take her to a daddy daughter dance.

Ok venting done, needed to get it of my chest, now maybe people will stop bugging us.